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Punjab Exam Portal

Hello Friends, This is new Typing Application specially Design for PSSSB Typing Exam. New Mock Test for practice according to new Punjab SSSB Instruction * To pass the test, you must type at least 1500 character with 92% accuracy. * Use only Google Chrome browser. * Press Enter Key or Down Arrow Key to move…


This transformation from a plant to a finished product involves three types of economic activities. These are 1) Primary - Primary activities include all those connected with extraction and production of natural resources or raw materials from the Earth. Example - Agriculture, Fishing and Gathering 2) Secondary - Secondary activities involves the transformation of raw…


Agriculture Notes (Part-2) Agriculture is a primary activity. It includes growing crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers and rearing of livestock. In the world, 50 per cent of persons are engaged in agricultural activity. Two-thirds of India's population is still dependent on agriculture. Note - The land on which the crops are grown is known as arable…


Q-1 The Crops which are grown in rainy season are called a) Rabi crop b) Seasonal crop c) Monsoon crop d) Kharif crop Q-2 Rabi Crops are grown in _______ season a) Summer b) Spring c) Winter d) rainy Q-3 The Bhoodan-Gramdaan movement was initiated by  a) Vinoba Bhave b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Pandit Nehru…


Friends, below is the list of important points of History of Punjab - Punjab GK-II. Previous post related to Geography of Punjab and Different Places - Punjab GK - I.  Link of Punjab GK-I - Punjab GK - I The 10 Gurus - Sikh History Guru Nanak Dev Ji - 1469-1539 Father / Mother Name - Mehta Kalu…


Friends, below is the list of important points of Punjab GK - Punjab GK-I. This list will be helpful for all upcoming Punjab Govt. Exam. You must know following point before attempt any Punjab Govt Exam. If any confusion related to these points, Please let us know. We are always ready for your help. Established - 1 Nov, 1966…

Typing Test

Friends, below is the list of Punjabi Raavi Font Exercise. These exercise will be helpful for Typing Exam. Take online test to find out your Typing Speed Click Here For Excercises Click Here - Practice With Chunk Click Here - Practice Without Chunk Click Here - Practice With Highlighted Words Click Here - Practice With…

Punjab Exam Portal

Click here to try New Mock Test According to PSSSB Instruction English Mock Test Exercises Punjabi Mock Test Exercises Practice Exercise 1 Practice Exercise 2 Practice Exercise 1 Practice Exercise 2 Practice Exercise 3 Practice Exercise 4 Practice Exercise 3 Practice Exercise 4 Practice Exercise 5 Practice Exercise 6 Practice Exercise 5 Practice Exercise 6…


John Marshall was the first scholar to use the term, ‘Indus Civilization’. Dayaram Sahni first discover Harappa in 1921 RD Bannerjee Discovered Mohenjodaro in 1922 The Indus Valley Civilization was an ancient civilization thriving along the Indus River and the Ghaggar-Hakra River which is presently known as Pakistan and north-western India. According to radio-carbon dating,…


Q-1 Ayodhya is situated on the banks of the river? Sarayu Q-2 Dublin is situated at the mouth of river Liffey Q-3 On the bank of which River Montreal is situated? Ottawa River. Q-4 On which river does Balmoral Castle stand? River Dee in Scotland. Q-5 The biggest delta in the world is the Ganges…

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