Important Fact About Earth

The Earth also called Blue Planet
What is the Circumference of Earth 40,232 Kilometers
Nearest position of earth to sun Perihelion
The earth reaches its perihelion on 3 January
Farthest position of earth from sun Aphelion
The earth reaches its aphelion on 4 July
Earth Spins on its imaginary axis from west to east
The longest day in North Hemisphere is 21 June
The shortest day in North Hemisphere is 22 Dec
What is Earth’s average orbital velocity 29.79 Kilometers/s
Earth takes time, revolution around the sun is 365 days, 5 hrs, 48 min and 45.51 sec
The equator represents in 0° latitude
The North Pole represent in 90° N
The South Pole represent in 90° S
23½° N represents Tropic of Cancer
23½° S represents Tropic of Capricorn
66½° N represents Arctic Circle
66½° S represents Antarctic Circle
How many latitudes are there total 181 latitudes
How many longitudinal zones 24 longitudinal zones
Each longitudinal zones being 15° or 1 hour apart in time
When Lunar Eclipse occurs earth comes between sun and moon
The point of origin of earthquake is called Seismic focus
The point on the earth’s surface vertically above the earth Epicentre
The passage of earthquake waves is recorded by Seismograph.
How many types of rocks are there 3 (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic)

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Author: admin

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