Biology Quick Byte (100+ Very Important Question)

Hello Friends, Biology is very important section of General Science. Most of general science question asked from Biology. below is the list of important points of Biology. This list will be helpful for all upcoming Punjab Govt. Exam. 

Question Answer
1) Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’? Darwin
2) Who got noble prize for artificial synthesis of DNA? Kornberg
3) Who discovered the causal organism of the disease Anthrax? Robert Koch
4) Who discovered Anopheles mosquito transmit malaria? Ronal ross
5) Which worm reach into intestine of human by eating leaf? Tape worm
6) Which was the Russian scientist who proposed the theory of origin of life? Oparin
7) Which vitamin is transformed in golden rice ? Vitamin A
8) Which type of cell has the ability to develop into any type of all ? Stem cell
9) Which tissue in cells have lost the capicity of cell division? Permanent tissue
10) Which substance found in blood which helps in cloting? Fibrinogen
11) Which stage of development of insect is most harmful for crop? Caterpillar
12) Which Scientists has established the ‘Phylum Annelida’? Lamark
13) Which scientist studied about wheat rust problem? K. C. Mehta
14) Which Scientist first explained about circulatory system? William Harvey
15) Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep? Hypothalmus
16) Which part of blood carry out the function of body defence? White blood cell
17) Which organs has its own wave of autonomic excitation? Heart
18) Which organisation is responsible for maintaing Red data book? IUGN
19) Which organelles in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA? Mitochondria
20) Which of a species describes the tropic function it fills in its environment? Niche
21) Which is the phylum that includes exclusively marine animal? Echinodermata
22) Which is the first national park established in India? Corbet
23) Which is responsible for red rot of sugarcane? Collectorichum falcatum
24) Which is most primitive ancestor of man ? Australopithecus
25) Which harmful element tobacoo exists in tobacoo ? Nicotine
26) Which group has the highest number of endangered species ? Reptiles
27) Which gland is responsible for the secretion of insulin? Pancrease
28) Which fungus is responsible for the tikka disease of groundnut? Cercosplora personata
29) Which fungus is responsible for disease late blight of potato? Phytophthora infestans
30) Which factors are most responsible for disease in plant? Fungi
31) Which enzyme take part in digestion of milk protein? Rennin
32) Which energy do not have the problem of pollution? Sun
33) Which disease is caused due to presence of excess arsenic in water? Skin Cancer
34) Which branch of biology deals with the study of processing and preservation of food? Food technology
35) Which blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman’s capsule? Afferent arteriole
36) Which Biologist proposed the theory of Germ plasm? Weisman
37) Which antimicrobial drug is suitable for treatment of both tuberculosis and leprosy? Rifampicin
38) Which animals have a diet mainly consisting of bamboo? Red pandas
39) Which animal lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly? Echidna
40) Which air pollutant affect the nervous system of man? Lead
41) What ratio of forest area needed for ecologycal balance in India? 33.30%
42) What percentage of water found in blood plasma of human? 91 to 92%
43) What is the transmission of characters from one generation to next? Heredity
44) What is the term for the maximum number of individuals that an area can support indefinitely? Carrying capacity
45) What is the Study of the effects of toxic chemical substance on animal and plant? Toxicology
46) What is the Study of pulse and arterial blood pressure called? Sphygmology
47) What is the smallest part of DNA that undergoes recombination? Recon
48) What is the short upper part of human intestine next to the stomach? Duodenum
49) What is the percentage of land area covered under forest according to Indian Forest policy? 33%
50) What is the number of plant species estimated to be present in India? 40,000
51) What is the main cause of extinction of species from tropics? Deforestation
52) What is the least influential in determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes? Salinity
53) What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype? Immunisation
54) What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man? Dermatology
55) What is symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit’ is best described? Mutualism
56) What is Study of inter relationship between living organism and their environment? Ecology
57) What is scientific names Frog Anura ranidae
58) What is scientific names Dolphin  Delphinidae delphis
59) What is scientific names Crow  Corvus splendens
60) What is scientific names  Buffalo  Bison bonasus
61) What is scientific names  Bat   Chiroptera
62) What is scientific names  Ant  Hymenopetrous formicidae
63) What is one-way relationship where one species benefits at the expense of another is called? Parasitism
64) What is infolding from the inner membrane of mitochondria called? Cristae
65) What is considered as the easily digestable source of protein? Soyabean
66) What is abiotic component of ecosystem? Water
67) What do both respiration and photosynthesis require? Cytochromes
68) What amount of energy transfered from one trophic level to next? 10%
69) Ultimate environmental hazard to mankind, why? Due to Nuclear pollution
70) Trunk of tree increases in grith due to cell division in which tissue? Meristematic tissue
71) The release of which fish into wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes? Gambusia fish
72) The massive hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in which year? 1985
73) Sound become hazardous noise pollution at which level? Above 80 dB
74) Silent valley having rare plant and animal is located in which state? Kerala
75) Reduced leaves and sunken stomata are the main feature of which thing? Xerophytes
76) Pneumoconiosis affects the workers who work mainly in which industry? Coal mining industry
77) Plant and animal living in a particular area, what is it called? Community
78) Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in which from? Nitrates
79) Lathyrism is caused by excessive consumption of which thing? Khesari Dal
80) Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as which name? Vectors
81) Insectivorous plant generally grow in soil which is deficient in which gas? Nitrogen
82) In the retina of eye cells what is present for colour differentiation? Cones
83) In India famous Bengal famine accurred in 1942 by which disease? Leaf spot of rice
84) In absence of ribosome in cell which function does not takes place? Protein synthesis
85) In a living cell what is the site of ribosome formation? Nucleolus
86) Human protein x –1 – antitrysin is used for which disease? Emphysama
87) How many pair of heart is found in an earthworm? Four
88) From the evolutionary point of view, which is the most primitive animal? Turtle
89) For which is the southern blot technique used for the detection? DNA
90) For which is the northern blot technique used for the detection? RNA
91) Epiphytes are plant which depend on other plants for which purpose? Mechanical support
92) Edward Jenner is related with which disease? Small pox
93) Deficiency of which vitamin, causes xerophthelmia? Vitamin A
94) By whom was Artificial gene synthesis first done in laboratory? Khurana
95) By whom the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced? Herbert Spencer
96) By which is the Atmosphere of big metropolition cities is polluted most? Automobile exhausts
97) Bu which antibodies are produced in the plasma of blood? Lymphocytes
98) Blood Coagualtion is prevented by which chemical when it flow through artery and vein? Heparin
99) ational Environmental Engineering research institute is situated in which city? Nagpur
100) A person feel fatigued due to depositon of which acid in their muscles? Latic Acid

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