Short Notes on United Nation Organization
Established | Headquarters | Member Countries | 193rd Member |
24 Oct, 1945 | New York | 193 | South Sudan |
1st UN Secretary General | Current UN Secretary General | Headquarters International Court of Justice | Founding Member Counties |
Trygve Lie | Ban Ki-moon | The Hauge, Netherlands | 51 |
Officail Language | Permanent Member of Security Council | UN Organs | Total Member of Security Council |
6 Official Language Arbic Chinese English French Rusia Spanish |
5 Permanent Member China France Russia United Kingdom USA |
6 UN Organs 1.The General Assembly 2.The Security Council 3.The Economic and Social Council 4.The Trusteeship Council 5.The International Court of Justice 6.The Secretariat |
Permanent Member – 5 Non-Permanent Member – 10 Non Permanent member elected for 2 year |
Headquarters of Important Agencies
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)– Rome, Italy.
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) – Washington, D.C., United States.
- World Health Organization (WHO) – Geneva, Switzerland
- International Labour Organization (ILO) – Geneva, Switzerland
- World Bank Group – USA, Washington D.C
Aims and Objectives of UNO:
- To maintain international peace and security.
- To develop spirit of co-operation and friendly relations among the nations.
- To promote respect for human rights, dignity and freedom.
- To solve international problems of social, economic, agricultural and humanitarian character.
- To employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all people.
UNO Related MCQs
Q-1 How many official languages does the United Nations have?
a) 3
b) 7
c) 5
d) 6
Q-2 Which organ of the United Nations has suspended its operations since 1994?
a) Economic and Social Council
b) Secretariat
c) Trusteeship Council
d) International Court of Justice
Q-3 Which day is celebrated as United Nations Day every year?
a) 7th April
b) 24th October
c) 14th November
d) 27th December
Q-4 The total number of judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is
a) 10
b) 12
c) 15
d) 18
Q-5 The number of principal organs of the United Nations is
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
Q-6 How many non-permanent members are there in the Security Council?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 15
d) 8
Q-7 What is the term of a judge of the International Court of Justice?
a) 5 years
b) 7 years
c) 8 years
d) 9 years
Q-8 Who was the first Indian to be the President of U. N. General Assembly ?
a) Natwar Singh
b) V. K. Krishna Menon
c) Smt. Vijay Laxmi Pandit
d) Romesh Bhandari
Q-9 The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for a period of
a) two years
b) one year
c) three years
d) four years
Q-10 Where is the head office of the International Labour Organization situated
a) Paris
b) Geneva
c) Moscow
d) London
Q-11 The first Secretary General of the United Nations was
a) Mrs. Vijai Lakshmi Pandit
b) Trygve Lie
c) Dag hammarskjoeld
d) U. Thant
Q-12 The headquarter of the International Court of Justice is at
a) Geneva
b) The Hague
c) Rome
d) Vienna
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