Agriculture Notes MCQs-1 – Important for Revenue Patwari Exam

Q-1 The Crops which are grown in rainy season are called
a) Rabi crop
b) Seasonal crop
c) Monsoon crop
d) Kharif crop

Q-2 Rabi Crops are grown in _______ season
a) Summer
b) Spring
c) Winter
d) rainy

Q-3 The Bhoodan-Gramdaan movement was initiated by 
a) Vinoba Bhave
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Pandit Nehru
d) R. C. Reddy

Q-4 Cultivation of coffee is confined to which of the following hills?
a) Nilgiri
b) Aravali
c) Shivalik
d) Chhota Nagpur

Q-5 Which Indian state leads in the production of rubber?
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Gujarat

Q-6 What part of Total population of India is engaged in agriculture activities:
a) 1/2
b) 2/3
c) 1/4
d) 2/5

Q-7 Which Indian state stands first in the production of coffee?
a) Kerala
b) Karnataka
c) Assam
d) Gujarat

Q-8 In which type of soil does Maize grow well?
a) Black
b) Sandy Soil
c) Old alluvial
d) None of the above

Q-9 Which are the two main beverage crops produce in India ?
a) Sugar cane and oilseeds
b) Tea and coffee
c) Jowar and bajra
d) Rice and wheat

Q-10 Which country is the largest producer of oil seeds in the world?
a) China
b) India
c) U.S.A
d) Pakistan

Q-11 Which one of the following crops is known as ‘Golden Fibre’?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Groundnut
d) Jute 

Q-12 Which of the following crops is not a millet?
a) Jowar
b) Maize
c) Ragi
d) Bajra

Q-13 The rearing of silk worms for the production of silk fiber is known as :
a) Sericulture
b) Horticulture
c) Floriculture
d) Agriculture

Q-14 What is Pink Revolution –
a) It refers to big rise in catching of fresh water and marine fish.
b) It stands for remarkable increase in milk production
c) It refers to remarkably steady and assured supply of poultry products.
d) It refers to a considerable rise in the production of quantity of apples

Q-15 Which of the following soil type is most suitable for garlic cultivation ?
a) Loamy sand
b) Sandy loam
c) Loam
d) Clay

Q-16 Which type of soil is best for knolkhol ?
a) Loam
b) Clayey loam
c) Silty clayey loam
d) Clay

Q-17 Which of the following soil type has the highest field capacity ?
a) Loam
b) Silty loam
c) Clayey loam
d) Clay

Q-18 Which among the following is a fibre crop?
a) Rubber
b) Jute
c) Tomato
d) Coffee

Q-19 About 90% of Rubber demand is met by
a) Kerala
b) Karnataka
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Maharashtra

Q-20 Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are
a) Short duration crops
b) Disease resistant crops
c) Long duration crops
d) Moisture stress resistant crops

Q-21 Wheat is a
a) Cash crop
b) Cereal crop
c) Covered crop
d) None of these
Ans : b)

Q-22 Which one of following is not Agro-based industry:
a) Cement Industry 
b) Jute Industry
c) Cotton textile Industry
d) Sugar Industry

Q-23 India is the larger producer as well as the consumer of the world?
a) Apple
b) Rice
c) Chickpeas
d) Millets

Q-24 Which of the following oil seed is both a karif and Rabi crop?
a) Groundnut
b) Mustard
c) Sesamum
d) Soyabean

Q-25 Which state is the largest producer of Groundnut?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Gujarat
c) Maharashtra
d) Andhra Pradesh

Q-26 Growing different crops alternately on the same land is technically called
a) Crop Alternation
b) Crop Rotation
c) Crop Revolution
d) Crop Change

Q-27 Moat, Dhekli and Rahat are different
a) Traditional methods of cultivation
b) Traditional methods of Weeding
c) Traditional methods of Seed sowing
d) Traditional methods of irrigation

Q-28 In the harvested crop the grain seed is separated from the chaff. This process id called ___ a
a) Threshing
b) Seeding
c) Ploughing
d) Weeding

Q-29 Hoe, dao, digging sticks are associated with
a) Primitive subsistence farming
b) Commercial farming
c) Green Revolution
d) Horticulture

Q-30 Which of the following is grown in rotation with other crops?
a) Arhar
b) Moong
c) Sunflower
d) Groundnut

Q-31 Which of the following description is true for describing €˜fertiliser’
a) Used in large quantity
b) Organic in nature
c) Does not cause pollution
d) Produced in factories

Q-32 Rhizobium (a Bacteria) which fixes atmospheric nitrogen are found in nodules growing in
a) Roots of leguminous plants 
b) Leaves of leguminous plants
c) Stem of Leguminous plants
d) All of the above.

Q-33 Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to break soil to the size of grains to get better yield. The main tools used for such are
a) Tractor, Hoe, Seed drill
b) Bullock, tiller, tractor
c) Plough, Hoe, Cultivator
d) Plough, Seed Drill, Tractor

Q-34 In India which crop is sown on the largest area?
a) Jowar
b) wheat
c) tobacco
d) rice

Q-35 The science concerned with vegetable culture is called
a) floriculture
b) olericulture
c) horticulture
d) agriculture

Q-36 The science concerned with Cultivation of grapes.
a) Viticulture 
b) olericulture
c) horticulture
d) agriculture

Q-37 Rock phosphates are used in
a) Saline soil
b) Sodic soil
c) Acidic soil
d) Neutral soil

Q-38 Red soil is poor in which of the following nutrients ?
a) Phosphorus and Sulphur
b) Phosphorus and Nitrogen
c) Nitrogen and Zinc
d) Nitrogen and Potassium

Q-39 What is Blue Revolution –
a) It refers to big rise in catching of fresh water and marine fish.-
b) It stands for remarkable increase in milk production
c) It refers to remarkably steady and assured supply of poultry products.
d) It refers to a considerable rise in the production of quantity of apples

Q-40 Which type of soil is found near the canal banks ?
a) Acidic and alkaline
b) Acidic
c) Alkaline
d) None of these

Q-41 Which one of the following is a Kharif crop?
a) bajra
b) wheat
c) mustard
d) barley

Q-42 Which one of the following is a rabi crop?
a) rice
b) jowar
c) cotton
d) peas

Q-43 Who is known as the €˜Father of White Revolution’?
a) V Kurien
b) MS Swaminathan
c) JP Narayan
d) Baba Amte

Q-44 Who was the chief architect of Green Revolution that significantly improved the agricultural yield in the country?
a) MS Swaminathan
b) VR Krisha Aiyyar
c) V Kurien
d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Q-45 Which soil largest and the most important soil group of India
a) Alluvial Soils
b) Black Soils
c) Red Soils
d) Laterite Soils

Q-46 The zaid season falls in between the rabi and kharif seasons.
a) Watermelon
b) muskmelon
c) cucumber
d) all of above

Q-47 Which type of farming is practised to meet the needs of the farmer’s family.
a) Subsistence farming
b) Mixed Farming
c) Plantation Agriculture
d) none of these.

Q-48 Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land is called
a) mixed cropping
b) mixed farming
c) intercropping
d) fanning

Q-49. Temperature Require at the time of sowing wheat
a) 10°C to 15°C 
b) 21°C to 26°C
c) 22°C to 32°C
d) 32°C to 42°C

Q-50 Farm Planning means
a) Farm Budgetting
b) Cropping pattern
c) Type of enterprises
d) None of these

Theory of Agriculture Notes-1

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  1. sir asi koi v notes copy ni kr sakde tuse pdf file v ni de rahe fr hardcopy kive ready kra ge padhn laye ……plz reply

    1. In meantime, you can read online, We will available PDF soon. We are preparing Agriculture Note-2. When it complete we will upload on website with PDF

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