Important Scientific Instruments And its Usage ( For all upcoming Punjab Govt. Exam )
Anemometer : An instrument to measure the speed and pressure of the wind.
Audiometer : It measures intensity of sound
Barometer : It measures atmospheric pressure
Binocular : It is used to view distant objects
Calorimeter : It measures quanty of heat
Cardiogram : It traces movements of the heat, recorde4d on a
Chronometer : It determines longitude of a place kept onboard ship
Dynamo : It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
Dynamometer : It measures electrical power
Electrometer : It measures electricity
Electroscope : It detects presence of an electric charge
Endoscope : It examines internal parts of the body
Fathometer : It measures the depth of the ocean
Galvanometer : It measures the electric current of low magnitude
Hydrometer : It measures the specific gravity of liquids
Hygrometer : It measures humidity in air
Hydrophone : It measures the sound under water
Lactometer : It determines the purity of milk
Manometer : It measures the pressure of gases
Mariner‘s compass : It is an instrument used by the sailors to
determine the direction
Microphone : It converts the sound waves into electrical vibrations
Microscope : It is used to obtain magnified view of small objects
Odometer : It is an instrument by which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is measured
Phonograph : It is an instrument for producing sound
Photometer : This instrument compares the luminous intensity of the source of light
Periscope : It is used to view objects above sea level (used in sub-marines)
Radar : It is used for detecting the direction and range of an approaching plan by means of radio microwaves
Radiometer : It measures the emission of radiant energy
Seismograph : It measures the intensity of earthquake shocks
Salinometer : It determines salinity of solution
Spectometer : It is an instrument for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation
Speedometer : It is an instrument placed in a vehicle to record its speed
Sphygmomanometer : It measures blood pressure
Spherometer : It measures the curvatures of surfaces
Stereoscope : It is used to view two dimensional pictures
Stethoscope : An instrument which is used by the doctors to hear and analyze heart and lung sounds
Stroboscope : It is used to view rapidly moving objects
Tachometer : An instrument used in measuring speeds of aeroplane sand motor boats
Telescope : It views distant objects in space
Thermometer : This instrument is used for the measurement of emperatures
Thermostat : It regulates the temperature at a particular point
Voltmeter : It measures the electric potential difference between two points
Wattmeter : It measures the electric power (or the supply rate of electrical energy) in watts of any given circuit
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