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As the cost of genome sequencing decreases, researchers and clinicians are debating whether all newborns should be sequenced at birth, facilitating a lifetime of personalised medical care. Researchers at The Hastings Center stated that health professionals should recommend parents to use direct-to-consumer genetic sequencing to diagnose or screen their newborns. 'Genomics is a powerful tool, but the results it returns are still not fully understood and have not been proven to advance health outside of very specific clinical situations. The recommendations embrace the use of genomics to aid in the diagnosis of sick newborns, but they draw a sharp distinction between that kind of focused clinical use and population screening,' explained researcher Josephine Johnston. Targeted or genomic sequencing can be used by clinicians to assist in the diagnosis of asymptomatic newborn. Sequencing these newborns may end the search for a diagnosis, informing medical management. Genome-wide sequencing should not be implemented as a universal, public health screening tool for newborns. Sequencing the entire genome may result in the return of genetic data of unknown or uncertain significance and may not yield actionable results. Results can generate unnecessary distress and require health resources for unneeded monitoring. And the cost of universal genome-wide sequencing would stretch the operating expenses of state-funded newborn screening programs, undermining the effectiveness of their operations. Egg whites contain choline, which is a macro nutrient that helps in the proper signalling of nerves and aids in the functioning of the nervous system. A study which had been conducted at the Washington University found that if babies have one egg every day for a total of six months, their brain function would improve. Of course, in their case they would also have to have the yolk. Egg whites are rich in protein and hence excellent for muscle growth. Having them on a regular basis can help in strengthening muscles, warding off fatigue boosting immunity levels. Since they are high in their nutrition value, egg whites help fight obesity. It is a good option for obese people and as it is low in fat content and the calories make you feel fuller for a longer time. Egg whites are high in calcium content and hence are good for overall bone health. Having them on a regular basis can lead to stronger bones and prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and fractures. They also help in increasing the level of bone density. As the cost of genome sequencing decreases, researchers and clinicians are debating whether all newborns should be sequenced at birth, facilitating a lifetime of personalised medical care. Researchers at The Hastings Center stated that health professionals should recommend parents to use direct-to-consumer genetic sequencing to diagnose or screen their newborns.

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