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The Tibetans in India live in separate colonies or settle-ments. Through the_centuries India has welcomed and absorbed foreigners and refugees who have retained their separate religions, language and culture, but have at the same time merged into the main-stream of life. Budhism is the religion of Tibetans. Parallel with the Tibetans would be the Parsees who arrived as refugees from religious persecution from Persia some 1400=500 years ago. They still worship Zoraster in their own temples. They still have their own distinctive culture, but they speak the language of the part of India where they first settled and they have adopted Indian dress and customs and rituals. They have contributed greatly to every sphere of Indian life. The Tibetans are however, divided on this issue. Thus, under the changed tendencies and circumstances, we should make arrangements to let our children learn English language from the very start of childhood. In this way, after becoming major and completing their studies in India, they may move in any apart of the world as per their aspirations, circumstances and opportunities. Without the knowledge of English, our youth will feel handicapped to compete with the youth of other countries and to avoid this barricade, English learning from the very start of primary school level would definitely prove beneficial and fruitful in every respect. Every aspect of the life of the citizens is tightly supervised by the local police. As a consequence, there is 100% compliance with three specific instructions : one is that every household must keep a reserve stock of approximately two months’ requirements of food and daily provisions. Secondly, the entire male population must take part in civil defence exercises and must be constantly available for military duty. Thridly, everyone must be ready at all times with one’s arms. The government issue arms and ammunition to each household. All men between 20 and 50 years of age must do military service and until the age of 32, must attend military colleges for 20 days every year and one at least for 90 days. The Tibetans in India live in separate colonies or settle-ments. Through the_centuries India has welcomed and absorbed foreigners and refugees who have retained their separate religions, language and culture, but have at the same time merged into the main-stream of life. Budhism is the religion of Tibetans. Parallel with the Tibetans would be the Parsees who arrived as refugees from religious persecution from Persia some 1400=500 years ago. They still worship Zoraster in their own temples. They still have their own distinctive culture, but they speak the language of the part of India where they first settled and they have adopted Indian dress and customs and rituals. They

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